Biden is becoming president. Social stability will return to America.

Biden is becoming president. Social stability will return to America. Black, brown people, minorities will breathe a sigh of relief. The world will
Biden is becoming president.  Social stability will return to America.  Black, brown people, minorities will breathe a sigh of relief.  The world will breathe a sigh of relief, environmental pollution will be curbed.

 The whole world is looking at who will be the occupants of the white house in the new year.  And Joe Biden is pretty much sure.  I could not resist the urge to post my picture taken in front of that house a decade ago.  The relief I spoke of in the headline of the article was actually felt step by step when I went to the United States during the Bush administration.

 Going to America is now water rice for Bengalis.  The brown people of West Bengal and Bangladesh are now admitted to America.  Many of my acquaintances, journalists and colleagues in the environmental movement have sons and daughters in the country.  So there is not much to say anew.  Yet as Biden's victory is being discussed, and as soon as the TV is turned on, it is seen that our Narendra Modi brother Narendra Modi's elder brother Donald Trump is lying eight times and slandering America by making false allegations about Rigging, (CNN, Voice of America  That's exactly what journalists say) So I thought I'd share two of my experiences with you.

 In 2006, with the help of the US Information Center in Calcutta, I went to the United States for a month to do a short course in print media journalism.  I am alone from India.  From Asia he was a journalist in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Singapore, Malaysia, Oman, Yemen and Israel.  There are about twenty countries in Africa, Europe, Latin America, white, black and brown (I am Brown's team).  Everyone is a political correspondent.

 Before I went to America, I didn't know that I was below white, and above blacks, in brown.  A few days ago, in this 2020, we saw the 'Black Life Matters' movement first in America, then in the whole world.  I went to America and understood the terrible difference between white skin and black skin.  More than Hindu-Muslim.

 Among those who guided our team, where the classes were, which paper office to go to, which paper editor to meet and discuss their editorial policy (this is where I went to the offices of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Economist), among others.  One woman and two men.  All three are U.S. citizens.  The white gentleman's name is Bill. And the black man is Glenn.  All the time I saw Bill strangling and instructing Glenn.  And Glenn observed it.  In some cases he even carried a bag when needed.  He also used to book cars.  Many more Phiformas work.  Bill did almost nothing.  There were only three white women journalists in our group, one of them a Jew, who treated them very kindly.

 Two weeks passed in intense busyness.  One weekend at a hotel in New York, I invited Glenn to my room for a drink.  With Harish Chandan Singh, a French paper journalist from Mauritius.  Let me tell you, Harish's ex-husband went to Mauritius 170 years ago from Bihar.  Harish can speak Hindi.  In 2016, he also came to my house to see Durga Pujo in Kolkata.  Anyway, Glenn cried after eating two pegs.  He said that Bill was disrespecting him step by step by saying black.  But in the meanwhile he can't leave this job!

 Remember, then, another Republican like Trump, George Bush's time.  Not so bad though.  Now listen to what Glenn said.  He has worked as an officer in embassies of various countries in Africa throughout his life.  That is in the government foreign office.  Eventually he retired as the Deputy High Commissioner of a country.  But many members of his family.  The responsibility is too much.  Pension money does not go.  That's why he has to do something like this.  As he is working to guide us.

 And Bill?  He has no permanent job.  Home Texas.  By a drama team.  He got married for the second time at an older age.  And the Republican Party did.  That's why when a foreign team like us comes, they join as a tour guide.  Good money is also available.

 I'm telling readers, think about it.  Just for the color of the skin, one is sticking to the other.  This is an America I've seen.  Maybe fragmented images.  But true.  There are also a large number of liberal democratic white people in America.  That's why Biden received more than 50% of the vote.

 I was watching CNBC this morning.  After contacting the Election Department with all the absentee voters who have raised questions about their votes, they have brought their identity cards.  Must show.  Standing in a long line.  The TV journalist questioned such a well-dressed black woman.  This woman lives 1600 kilometers away in Texas.  And he came to see his identity card in Las Vegas.  Who did you vote for?  Hesitantly, Biden said.  Cried after him.  Said, he is God.  If he wins, we blacks will live.  Otherwise I will die.  These four years Trump and his supporters have brought down curses on our lives.  Now I understand that one of our votes is very important.  That's why I have come so far on leave from office after spending so much.  So that the vote is accepted.

 Bread is equally valuable in the life of every human being as well as social dignity.  There is only one reason behind so many caste based groups in our country today, especially Dalits, backward and even Muslim groups.  I want to get rid of social disrespect in the hands of caste Hindus.  With that comes the sharing of state power.

 After Biden came to power after the departure of Trump, the brown people of India-Pakistan-Bangladesh, starting from black, think that at least that honor will be matched.  In other words, if America speaks loudly about social stability and justice, democracy, they will be able to speak to the world again.  Black-and-brown orange Harris will be a partner in power.

 But does that mean America's foreign policy will change too much?  I don't think so.  Because, America has only one policy.  If you stay with America, agree on everything, listen to the White House, you're good.  Otherwise bad.  Communist China-Vietnam is also a close friend of this policy!  US capital is invested there.

 What else will happen?  Trump did not believe in environmental pollution, global warming.  Came out of the Paris Climate Agreement.  The United States was in disagreement with the European countries.  It will be implemented again.  Biden has been a Member of Parliament for 47 years.  His father was a little sales man.  Growing up from there.  Got a lot of grief in life.  After a few years of marriage, his first wife died in an accident.  In 2017 the son died of cancer.  So like Barack Obama, Biden will think in general terms.  It's not just about the rich like Trump.

 In the case of India, those who go to study or work in the United States have more opportunities.  But even if Trump is silent on human rights abuses since the repeal of Article 370 in Kashmir, Biden does not seem to be staying.  As a result, Biden could open his mouth about the Kashmir issue or the persecution of the Muslim minority in various ways.  He is not anti-Muslim like Trump.  This may increase Modi's pressure.  Trump was an outcast.  Arrogant businessman.  And Biden is a veteran politician.  That is the difference.  Howdy Modi and Namaste Trump did not work!

 Again it was understood that even if the fascists won temporarily in Hujju, they could not hold power for long.  People are the last word.  In all countries.

--------- Prasoon Acharya