Indigenous artists may think that those who deny evolution are haters of science

"Questioning evolution is neither science denial nor the preserve of creationists."
 An article with this headline appeared in the Guardian a few years ago.  It is based on a survey of people in Canada and the United Kingdom.  The author is Fern Elsdon Baker, a professor at the University of Birmingham, himself an atheist and a staunch supporter of Darwinism.  Works with Darwinism.  There are many thoughtful elements in the text.
 There is a lot of bias in the writing, some information is hidden from the original research paper that was printed.  Although this is not the main issue.  The text has some distinctive features that would be extremely uncomfortable for artists to see.
 Indigenous artists may think that those who deny evolution are haters of science.  This study shows that most of those who deny evolution have confidence in science research.  They even consider the 'genetics' field to be reliable.  Therefore, there are scientific reasons for not believing in evolution as well as religious beliefs.

 There is also talk of a culture that uses 'evolution' as a tool to become an atheist.  I often say that westerners believe in evolution after becoming atheists, and native artists become atheists after believing in evolution.
 The main attraction of the article is the limitations of evolutionary science in interpreting 'human qualities'.  I really like the fact that the author has honestly brought the issue to the fore.  Although evolutionary processes can be used to explain the development of species-centered development, there is no authoritative explanation as to why humans are far ahead of other animals in terms of thought and intellectual development.

 Surprisingly, even among those who believe in evolution and consider themselves atheists, more than 20 to 30 percent of people think that it is not possible to explain 'Human Consciousness' through evolution !!!

 The author's further realization, "It seems rejection of, or doubts about, aspects of evolution are not necessarily just an issue of religious belief versus evolutionary science." I don't know if the artistic society can digest it !!

 The author's biggest confession is, "Even as a lifelong atheist I can see it is entirely disingenuous and unempirical to deny that we are in some ways different from the other species with which we share our planet."  His realization, people are different from others.  In fact, this is true, human beings are a unique creation, whose knowledge, thinking is completely different from other animals.