Perfection (All Episode) by Ayesha bint Fayez

Perfection (All Episode) by Ayesha bint Fayez
 1st episode
 Ayesha bint Fayez

 Today my girlfriend Pfizer got married!
 Called a while ago.  At first I thought I would go, but then I thought that going there means listening to everything.
 One by one all the girlfriends got married.  Only I was left.  Beautiful girls are preferred in marriage but I am not beautiful.  Neighbors look at it with a crooked look. It hurts, they want to scream and cry.  Why did the Lord make me like that?  What's wrong with me?
 Sometimes I explain to myself, I did not make me, my Lord made me by choice.  I don't even have the ability to make an ant, so how can I find fault with the creation of the Lord?
 If you do not get married, then what happened?  Allah is there to judge me ...

 - Apu, two students of your madrasa are coming!
 - Sit down. I'm coming.
 - All right
 As soon as my younger sister left, I locked the diary in the drawer.  I don't want anyone to see the unspoken pain of my heart.  As soon as she went to the drawing room, the student stood up with two salutations.
 - What's the matter with you at my house?
 - In fact, Auntie, you didn't go today, no one else came.  There is only one Nazera department, we haven't taken everything yet ..
 - Is there no one else in the wonder madrasa?  Couldn't I have a phone?  You sit down, I'm coming!

 As soon as I came fresh, I saw my mother sitting with food.
 - Mom, I'm not eating, it's getting late
 - Not a word, boss, I'm feeding
  I sat down to eat like an obedient daughter!
 Get ready to go to the madrasa immediately with the aunt on the ground floor!
 - Where are you going, Umama?
 - In the madrasa
 - Why is it so late, mother?
 - I didn't want to go today, but these girls came and said that another madam of Hifz Khana did not come to the house.  So I have to go!
 - All right, go!  I came to see your mother.

 As soon as I entered the madrasa, I saw that the girls were doing mischief, no one was reading, everyone's Qur'an was off.  I stood at the door and took off my niqab.  No one is noticing me.  So you don't even see him standing at the door.  As soon as I saluted, everyone started reading the Qur'an.
 Wow, how polite my students!
 I went to the designated desk and asked everyone to bring them.  Although now is not the time to take everything.  But if they don't, they will back off.

 We took care of three sisters at home with my father.  The madrasa had a big master, so even if it was a little late, there would be no problem.  And he used to spend that time behind the three of us!
 I started Hifz as a hobby.  Towards the end of my life, one or two of my sisters passed away.  Then some relatives poured poison in Ammu's ear, 'Hey girl, will people read Hifz?  They will not teach Tarabi, moreover, they will get married in a few days.  Children, husband, family will get the opportunity to read?  Then there will be no more memory.  Stop reading Hifz '
 Listening to all this, one day my mother expressed reluctance to read about us.  There is no need to tell my father again and again.
 One day my father left the house without saying anything.  No searching all day.  When we returned home at eleven o'clock at night, our three sisters called me and my mother too. After everyone sat down, they started saying: I don't know who is telling you these things.  And I don't want to know, I just want my daughters to be safe.  By the grace of God, you are on that path.  The aim and purpose of your reading is to attain Paradise, to gain the pleasure of Allah and to teach others.
 There are so many schools, colleges, universities in the world that only secular education is given.  Is it written somewhere that if you are a scientist, pilot, engineer, you will get paradise?
 But if you hold this Holy Qur'an in your heart and lead a life according to the law according to the halal and haram, then you will be in Paradise.
 Ten more will be able to go to paradise on your recommendation.  It has been narrated in the hadith: Whoever memorizes the Qur'an and acts upon it, his father and mother will be taught a hat of such light on the Day of Resurrection, his light will be more than the light of the sun.
 So don't my mothers want their fathers and mothers to be taught the hat of light on the Day of Resurrection?
  Three sisters said in unison: Yes, I want a father!
 - Listen!  A heart without the Qur'an is like an empty house.  There are so many ghosts in the empty room, just as the devil takes over the heart without the Qur'an.  You will teach Hafezah to others, but you will not receive any reward. The purpose is to please Allah.

 You will show your thumbs to those who say that there is no benefit in reading the hifz of girls.  It will show you how to remember even if you manage your family.  Why do you deprive yourself of the blessings of the Qur'an?
 Have you not heard that Hazrat Ayesha (R) was a muhaddith of that era?
 Didn't you hear about Shaykhul Hadith Allama Azizul Haque's family of more than a hundred Hafez Hafez?
 - Yes, I heard
 - Then why do you listen to those who are not your benefactors?  Listen to those who call you to the way of God.  My family will be like the family of Shaykhul Hadith.  Won't it help the father to lead the next generation on the path of Qur'an?
 - InshaAllah

 Since that day we have not had to go back. Since we did not resist anyone's words, today we are three sisters Hafeza!
 The younger two sisters got married a long time ago.  Hafezadera as well as beauties in the wedding market.  But my words are different.  I am that badd mismatched in this beautiful society!
 InshaAllah ......

 # Series_story

 2nd episode
 Ayesha bint Fayez

 - The big aunt is coming to the madrasa and told you to go to the office.
  Leaving the students to sleep, I was standing on the verandah watching the distant trees when suddenly the little one called.
 -When are you coming?
 - A little earlier
 As soon as I entered with salutations: Umama, your mother called to go home.
 - Why did you say something?
 - He said what he needed

 As soon as the calling bell rang, Mejha's sister Fatima opened the door and hugged her saying 'Appi'.
 - When is Kiri real?
 - That's a while ago
 - Did Dad go to get you?
 - Oh no!  Where is my father's time?  I'm coming with Salman's father!
 - Oh, let's go inside.

 Two sisters were joking with Salman.  He is giggling and laughing as soon as he tickles it.  When asked to kiss, a pair of small lips gently mixed with the cheek.  Obsession comes to mind!
 - Saima will come today
 - I didn't tell you before
 - I found out a little earlier
 - Wow: Saima will actually be a lot of fun!  I will keep the house warm with four sisters. And my father will stand in front of the door and smile and say 'these are my paradises'.
 - Hihihi appi I'll talk another time if you don't get angry.
 - Fatima, why are you afraid of me?
 - If you say get angry!
 - Well, I will not be angry.
 - Actually, my purpose is to come to Saima's house
  Come see you tomorrow!  If the pot is quite interested, if you like it, you will get married tomorrow.
 After hearing that, I kept my eyes closed for a long time.  We Bapu can not pull this burden!
 Dad may be staring at them in silence.  Daughters have nothing to do with responsible fathers.  What will he do?
 - Tell me something?
 - Look, don't just bother.  I'm sure there will be no marriage.
 - What do you think, if you like it?  And is it wise to blow away the possibility?
 After thinking for a while, I replied: Alhamdulillah, whatever the father decides.  I believe my father will not choose for me someone who is not my benefactor!
 Fatima smiled and took the boy in her arms and left.
 Next to it, younger sisters Ruhama and Sabbir are playing.  Sometimes they fight and complain against each other by going to their mother.  Their activities seem quite annoying.  Sabbir was pulling Ruhama's hair for a long time!  I slapped my brother.
 Seki cries her!
 Mother ran and said: Who killed Sabbir?
 - I hit!
 - Why Marley?
 - What will I do if I don't kill?  Didn't you see what happened to Ruhama's hair?
 - Who do you think is my son?  If not, could you kill like this?
 - I just gave a slap.  Sabbir has killed Ruhama even when he is older, is it a good thing to kill his younger sister?
 Ammu got angry and went out with Meg Sabbir.
 Boys are highly valued in most families.  My family is no exception!  Sabbir was born after three sisters.  When I got my brother, I felt that God had given me the greatest gift in the world.  I used to take care of him.  My mother was very ill then.  I think the brother I raised on my lap is the enemy!  There is a sharp pain in the chest, the pain is lumping inside the throat.
 How can I explain how much I love my mother and who. I ruled for her good and what did my mother understand?

 I woke up before Fajr like every day!
 I had to wake up before Fajr while reciting Hifz, so the habit is still there.  I cried a lot while praying. I couldn't say anything to the Lord.  Hu hu cried, part of the veil is getting wet with tears!
 I made a prayer in my anxious heart: Lord, do not disappoint your father like every time.  Will I not accept your prayers?  You are the great Lord, if you give me back, then I am a fool, where will I go?  O Allah, make a good decision for me.  Give me a blessed house ...
 As soon as the prayer was over, I felt someone put his hand on my shoulder.  Looking back, I see my father is sitting!
 - Dad, you didn't sleep?
 - Why are you crying mom?
 - Exclude!  Tell me why you came?
 - Tell me first.
 - I told God, now you have to say?
 - No!
 Listen mom, she'll come see you this afternoon.  The boy's uncle said if you like, then get married today.  I asked Fatima about your opinion.  Alhamdulillah I got the answer!  Now tell me, do you have anything else to say?
 - No!
 My father suddenly became serious and said: If you get married today, you will start hating me from tomorrow.  Dad will misunderstand, but remember what I'm doing is for your happiness.  Ammar's son is great as a man.  Take it one day!
 After talking, my father got up and left.
 I just sat there!  What did the father say?  I hate him?  Me?  Impossible!

 - Umama, will you wear a sari?
 - No, Mommy.  I read sari every time!
 - Hmm, get ready soon.
 I changed my clothes at my mother's words.  The sisters insisted on decorating but I didn't like it.  Still had to dress up.
 As soon as he was ready, his father came and took him to the drawing room.
 InshaAllah .....

 3rd episode
 Ayesha bint Fayez

 My father pushed me into the drawing room and locked the door from outside.  Looking back, I see two women, a girl, a boy!  A small child in the boy's lap.  I was surprised to see Aunty downstairs among them, what is she doing here?
 - Assalamu Alaikum
 - Walaikumus Salam
 - How are you?
 - Alhamdulillah
 - What's your name?
 - Umama
 - Nice name.  You are Hafeza, aren't you?
 - Yes
 - Mashaallah!  Can I hear a little recitation?
 I remained silent even after the man said.  I am very ashamed, how can I recite?
 - Tell me, Umama?
 - Aunty is embarrassing me!
 The man laughed and said: Well stay today or not I will hear another day inshaAllah!
 Well do you know enough about me?  What about my past present?
 - No!
 - You can call it a tragedy of my life and ...
 - Amma, shut up, Umama, you go inside!
 - But Auntie needs to hear everything.  Otherwise there will be problems later!
 - Ammar, don't come to teach me.

 I'm sitting in a room, but the room is not mine, the man named Ammar!  It's as if I'm in a trance.  I don't understand how it happened.  Everything looks so cloudy.  Other times when he came to see me, I would cry.  But despite being married today, not a drop of tears are falling.  Why is this happening?  Why am I so upset?  I left my mother, father, brothers and sisters.  Aslam left my favorite city, favorite house, favorite veranda.  The inside is burning and crumbling.  If I could cry for a while now, maybe it would be peaceful, but the crying is not coming at all ...
 I woke up long before the call to prayer.  I couldn't sleep properly in an unfamiliar place so I got up and sat down.  Just yesterday at this time I applied to the Lord's Court for a blessed family and today it was granted.  It is necessary to perform Durakat prayer as a sign of thanksgiving.  As soon as I came out of the room to do aju, I thought what would I think if someone saw my new wife!
 There is nothing more in the room.  A bed, a small steel cupboard, a rack.  The white tiles on the floor have been very dirty for a long time.  Alas, I regret it!  How much is the cleanliness of Wasa Wasa and the condition of my father-in-law's house?
 Today is my night of marriage.  But without a husband.
 His grandfather had said before - Hun Boin Aida Kal Rait would not go to Thahan in one log.  Woe is me!
 In the wrath of this superstition of the village, I also had to wear it.
 So, according to my grandfather's words, before the Durakat prayer with me, he said: My family is not like yours.  Overwhelmed by misconceptions and superstitions.  Faith is absolutely weak.  I want you to purify my family with your pure love.  I believe you can.  What can't?
 - Will you be by my side?
 - Inshallah, I will be by your side for the rest of my life!
 - Then I can too.
 There was a knock on the door immediately after the Fajr call.  Afraid to open the door.  I don't know everyone in this house, I don't even know who they are.  What do I do if a man comes?
 The sound came from the side of the door: I open Amma's door.
 I opened the door after hearing his voice.
 - Did you sleep well in an unfamiliar place?
 - Yes
 - Any problems at night?
 - Yes, no
 - Won't you do aju?
 - Well, do you always say yes?
 - Yes, sometimes it is
 - Ha ha ha!  Let's do aju.
 After performing ablution, I prayed and recited Surah Yaseen while sitting in Jain prayers.  It's still dark outside so I thought I'd lie down a little more.  Only then did he appear!
 - What's the matter with you lying down now? Why are you feeling so bad?
 - No, not at all.
 - What are you doing at night, what are you doing during the day, what is the wind in the morning, what is the medicine for millions of rupees, Hakim Ajmal Khan.
 - I know.
 - Then get up and I'll take you somewhere.
 - Where?
 - Get up first.
 I walked along the long verandah and stood in front of a room.  I noticed that the door of every room was closed.  But no one in this house prays Fajr?  How do they stay without praying?
 - Well, why is everyone still sleeping?  The time for prayer is coming to an end but no one has a headache?
 - As I said before, my family is not like yours.  They pray from time to time.  And the Fajr prayers will be unimaginable. You go inside the room and sit. I am coming.
 - All right.
 The room is quite messy.  Two shelves filled with books!  There is also a cupboard here but it is inlaid with woodwork.  The bed sheets are lying on the floor on one side and the mattress is exposed on the other side.  Laying a few books and some clothes on the bed.  Also condition the floor of this room.  I do not understand that everyone in this house is so dirty?  And is there any Uzbek in this room?
 Raising his hand and holding the random clothes, he noticed a cute baby lying on his back!  Pillows on both sides so I have not seen so long.
 I removed the pillow and saw that Babu's whole body was wet with urine.  I slowly took off my underwear.  By then the baby was up.  I have big eyes!
 Is it any wonder that someone leaves such a small child alone?  What if he falls out of bed?  And where is his mother?  Why did he bring me to this room?
 - Afnan is up?
 - Which Afnan?
 - That Afnan in your lap!
 - Hmm, just got up.
 - Put him in my lap.
 - No, I can.  Will you have wet tissue?
 - No.
 - Then bring cream, lotion, powder, wet tissue, and a kajal from her mother and I will decorate it.
 - No!
 - What?
 - She has no cream lotion and no mom.
 - Where's her mother?
 - Maybe he's happy with someone else!
 - And her father?
 - Standing in front of you!
 InshaAllah ....

 The last episode
 Ayesha bint Fayez

 A couple of weeks after Suhaila's marriage was settled, Rahim Mia went to work at Sikder's house again.
 Just before returning home, Mr. Sikder called.
 - Hey Rahim Mia, how are you?
 : Yes brother I am fine, how are you?
 - How are you?  It's been a year since Chhod Pola came abroad, but now I can't get married.
 - What a brother!  You are the great people of Geram.  There is no lack of anything, why can't you get married?
 : Money can't give happiness!  Let's go for whatever I was calling for. Do you have a knife to marry?
 - No, brother, don't get married!  Tay Biya is fine.  MashaAllah to see and hear Pola.
 : Which geram pola?
 - Don't you know the Mufti of the southern part of Amago Geram?  Her big polar logs!
 : Are you marrying Mollah Deikhya?
 - Hmm, brother, pray!
 : If I get married there, I will die without eating your maiya, what else will happen if the mullahs earn two teha?  As a result, I will go to your house as a skeleton.
 Rahim Mia became upset.  In fact, the lords do not have much money, if the girl does not eat?  Suffering from lack?
 : Listen Rahim Mia!  Leave the thought of Maiya Bia Deon in that place.  Can I give you an offer?
 - Yes, brother!
 : Get married to my little polar bear.  I don't need to eat your work anymore, I will build a building in the place of a broken tin house.  I will be able to eat well, I will be happy.  Getting a bundle of money every month, one condition is 'I know your love, I can bear it in my polar bear'.  Do you agree to the proposal?
  He sat down at Sikdar's feet and said, "Brother, am I not dreaming?"  Are you telling the truth?
 : Hey get up!  Sit on the sofa, now you are my bride.  There will be no shortage of your affection in this house.
 - Brother, I am crying with happiness.  Such a big man will be the little wife of the house, my dear?
 : Ha!  This is not five thousand rupees.  Maya Polar Laiga will take something good.
 I have never received such great happy news in my life
 Rahim Mia, seeing so much money, his tongue is shining with greed!  He seems to be dreaming.  Filling all kinds of market bags including fish and meat, he made his way home.

 Assalamu Alaikum
 How are you
 I hope you are well!
 It is good to be well, because I always pray that my beloved wife will be well wherever she is.
 So how is the day going tomorrow?
 I always wanted my wife to be eye-catching.  As soon as I see him, my weakness disappears, good people come and touch me.  She will shrug in shame when she sees me, who is a shy woman who wants.
 Will conquer me with love like him!  I will be his heartbeat.
 My family is going to marry you with high hopes, I hope you will follow their wishes as a wife.  I will give you a very beautiful family gift!
 May happiness touch your feet in every moment.  I got you as I wanted and I waited for you till marriage.  You will wait for me too!
 We will build a happy life
 Are you ready darling ??
 (Tamim Ahmad)

 As soon as she read the letter, Suhaila burst into tears.
 There is no way to stop crying.  What happened to him?  That was not supposed to happen.
 After the marriage was settled, thousands of dreams were woven in the heart chamber about Tamim.  His father did not let the dream come true!
 Just before the wedding, Tamim wanted to hug his father.  Even after expressing the intense desire of the heart in such a sad voice, Suhaila's father did not reach Kornkuhar!
 Falling into greed, he has lost his intellect, as if he does not understand which man is handing over his darling princess!
 The person to whom it is being handed over is not at all charismatic, his unspeakable language, the people of the village who are impatient with its remote use.
 - Dad told me to wait, I'll wait.  You are making a promise to his father, will you break your promise now?  Signs of a hypocrite breaking a promise!
 : Ibina to give more knowledge, which is here!
 I will marry you, even if you don't agree.  Sardar Saab Aiya will read this with the bride and groom!  If I do anything wrong, I will bury him alive.
 Suhaila mutters: Your fairy mother is not good, father!  You didn't stay well.  You have ended my life in greed.  My dream, I have nothing to ask for.
 Suhaila returned to reality from the thought of the knock on the door.
 Slowly he stepped forward and opened the door.
 Can't run like before, the body has become heavy!
 As soon as he opened the door, he saw a man named Ripon standing there.  Sparkles of fire are coming out with the red eyes, shiny shirts, dirty pants, a bad smell is coming out of the body.
 Suhaila is having trouble thinking this man is her husband, the father of her child.
 - You came home after three days, where have you been all these days?
 : Do you have to explain?
 - I need to!  You always move like this, do you not have the fear of God inside you?
 : ঐ Fakinni's baby!  Don't talk too much.  Always empty statement bushes!  And what is the last time Kaibi A?
 - Yes, I have only one thing to say, you are getting better.  Your baby is in my womb, I want my baby to be a good father!  Do not associate so much with the future.  Even after having your wife, you are addicted to women.  Why do aliens?  Creating unrest in other people's world ....
 Before Suhaila could finish speaking, she kicked him out of bed and started beating him randomly.
 Ripon kicked Suhaila's stomach and sat down. Ripon screamed and fell down.
 The floor of the house is floating in Suhaila's blood !!

 - What's the matter, Mr. Tamim!  That you are standing quietly on the porch?
 : Looking at nature!
 - You writers must write something about nature now ha ha ha!
 : I don't feel well, I feel restless!  So I came out of Daras.
 - So what's up?  When will you get married?  I have a girl, if you say so I'll talk!
 : Sir, let me tell you something!  You are new to this madrasa. You don't know much about me, and you don't want to know !!
 As soon as the conversation was over, Tamim left the place.

 My father and mother went to the village a few days ago.  Grandpa is sick again!
 Tamim seems restless.  Grandpa called his father's number to know the news.
 But the same!  The screams and shouts of so many people, the sound of police cars, the noise around has become heavy!
 : Dad, where are you?  Why so many words?
 - I came to read the janaza of a pregnant girl who was killed!
 : Who was killed, father?
 - Can you bear to hear that, son?
 : Who are you talking about, father?
 - Suhaila!  In the hands of the husband last night .....
 Tamim became speechless!
 Did he really hear anything or was he deluded?  The whole body seems to be numb.
 The inside is twisting!  Nature seems to be able to feel her heartbreaking howls.
 Tamim began to say in a muffled voice: You are gone, darling?  Will not come back?  Don't you see me sideways?  I was frozen in you .. !!

 Dear Reader: There are some people in this society who are like Suhaila's father.  Lack of temperament is really right!
 Not thinking about where the real happiness of the girl is, she thought she understood the life full of prosperity and was happy!
 He did not need to get the consent of his daughter before marriage!  She didn't want to know what kind of husband she wanted.
 They have imposed their choice on the girl!
 They feel like a girl just like them.
 While Islam is the complete opposite of this statement, according to the provisions of Islam, the consent of the Balega girl must be taken.  Before the two families get together, we have to see if there is kufu / equality!
 No girl should be sacrificed for family problems.  Therefore, ordinary Muslims should acquire adequate religious knowledge!
 Receipts of boys like Tamim are zero, Priyoni is not seen!
 Suhailadera dream is suppressed to the wishes of the parents!