Know that nothing is of value to Allah except faith, you will not see your degree in the grave

Know that nothing is of value to Allah except faith, you will not see your degree in the grave
When the light dew begins to fall towards the end of autumn, the atmosphere feels quite different to Ifti, who wants to walk in the sweet afternoon sun. As she walks along the crop fields along the river, she has a feeling that she can't explain but this feeling  Don't stay at home.

 At this time, he also remembers the words of his friends very much, he wants to chat with everyone, but it is no longer possible because he missed the university lessons.  Many people don't even talk nowadays, it seems that the surrounding desert has become like a desert.

 Silently, so the book is a river of emotion, there is no response.  There is nothing to do without hiding the wail, reminiscing on oneself and wandering around alone.  So I spent the day without counting in the time book in the hope of a new dawn.

 Today, Friday, after the Friday prayers, Iftir suddenly remembered Nafis.  Ifti and Nafis are very good friends, Nafis is currently in Canada with a scholarship.  Ifti became very tired remembering Nafis, Ifti thought what would happen if she called Nafis.

 At that time, Nafis's call on Ifti's phone, surprised Kand hurriedly, so Ifti picked up the call and started talking. After many words and reminiscences, Ifti asked if Nafis would come to the country.

 Nafis: And whatever country I go to, my friend, whatever the situation in the country, I'm fine in Canada.  There is nothing good in the country. The people of the country are all uncultured, there is only noise all around.  I can't sleep at night in peace.

 Ifti: Who has trouble sleeping at night in the country?

 Nafis: And don't say, sir, whatever you get, waz all night.  Hirik goes after the people of the area.  What a disgusting situation. How good I am in Canada, no one disturbs anyone.  Everyone is like everyone else.

 Ifti: Anyway, today is Friday, are you praying Jumma prayers?

 Nafis: No, I haven't read it.  There was a lot of work, man, I went to the lab.  I forgot today is Friday.

 Ifti: Oh.  Well, friend, you said the people of the country don't understand anything, unculture.  I mean, how much culture do you have?  You are forgetting your own culture and brokering the culture of others.

 Nafis: What did you say, friend?  I am Bengali, I hold my Bengali culture in my heart. We celebrate the first Baishakh in Canada together.

 Ifti: Wow, I see you follow your own culture a lot.
 Well, friend, do you become a Muslim and have a Muslim culture ??

 Nafis: What is the culture of Muslims?

 Ifti: This is what I wanted to know.  You are a Muslim, you do not know your own culture.  You do not know the history of your nation.  Influenced by the culture of others, you make fun of the lords, waz mahfil says it disturbs your sleep.  Wow wow friend.

  You can't pray Jumma today so you don't have to worry.  This would not have been possible if you had known the importance of Friday in the life of a Muslim.  You know, when people don't know their own culture and history, they are influenced by the culture of others.  Ifti restrained herself and asked Nafis a question.

 Well friend, how many Islamic books are you reading so far ??

 Nafis: Where is the time, friend?

 Ifti: Well, friend, you are coming to Canada for higher education. I mean, is this really higher education?  Education liberates people but how much will your education liberate you?  I see this teaching blocking your path to salvation.  Will you be able to stand with this degree on the Day of Judgment before Allah?  What will this education recommend for you?  Allah says that he can know as much as I give the gift of knowledge to man, but what a pity that the touch of a little bit of knowledge leads people astray, forgets Allah.

 Know that nothing is of value to Allah except faith, you will not see your degree in the grave. If there is no action, there will be no way on that day.

 Even if you are angry, I will tell you something harsh.  You should have been associated with Islam, it was very important to discuss Islam.  Many people would benefit if you could discuss Islam with your experience and the reality you saw first hand. A Muslim never lives for himself, a Muslim lives for his whole ummah.

 Nafis: Friend, I never really thought like that, your words are making me think anew.  Really, what will I come up with that day?

 Ifti: Look, friend, the current education is making people dirty without releasing them.  The higher the educated the more dirty (but not everyone is).  Think in the light of your life where your teachings are taking you. The teachings that make God forget that the teachings that legitimize filth can never be released.

 Friend, I would like to ask you to find out what kind of nation you are, what your history is and how rich your culture is.

 Nafis: Friend, I will try my best. May Allah guide me back to the right path.  Well, friend, this time I put the phone down, I have to sleep many nights.

 The two exchanged salutations and said goodbye.  Ifti raised her hands to Allah for her friend and prayed, "O Allah, accept my friend and give us all the correct understanding."

 I also pray that thousands of Iftis will be born and Nafis will return.