Is masturbating without porn haram in Islam?

Is masturbating without porn haram in Islam?

Why this decline?

But I / we alone cannot blame them for this decline. Rather, it is better not to blame them. Think about it, how did those who were born in the late twentieth century or earlier spend their childhood? Wide open prairie, getting close to parents, various fairy tales heard from the mouths of grandparents and so on. There was full freedom, the long-term happiness of genuine love. But today?

Today the definition of happiness and love has changed. The world capitalist social system is identifying happiness as money. The definition of love says to ensure the luxury of the child. And so all the parents are running after money. The child is a 'human' in a close or day-care center. Ensuring money or luxury where the main thing is, spending more time with the child is therefore ‘useless’; All the 'success' is in being able to buy expensive toys or clothes for the child. Failure to give quality time then has to choose another wrong path. Most of the parents are giving their children high speed internet connected mobile phones so that their favorite child does not get bored.

And whatever time you spend with your child in front of the TV in the drawing room. And then sitting with the parents, the darling child sees all the obscene gestures, half-naked female body and much more. I remember when I was a child, I used to be ashamed to sit with my parents and watch a movie song. If I could anticipate something like that, I would either turn the channel or I would get up in front of the TV. Is that what happens nowadays? No. The child enjoys all the obscene scenes while sitting with the father. All shame is cut off. Now tell me, where there is no plague of shame with parents, how will his shame work in front of big / small siblings who are not related by blood?

Moreover, today there is a lot of sexual half everywhere. Newspaper entertainment pages, advertisements, billboards where there is no sex today? How are women being presented today? And when a boy becomes 'restless' after seeing all this, the phone and internet given by the parents is the last hope to end that 'restlessness'. Enters a site, sees something and makes himself a little 'quiet'! Our time was such that if anyone wanted to watch porn, he had to go to a cybercafe or photocopy or similar shops. At that time many people did not step on it for fear of embarrassment. But nowadays there is no such problem. Only a mobile phone with internet connection in hand.

What are the consequences?

The results are truly devastating. This sexual trap is very wide and wide and it is very difficult to get out of here. The boys see all this but do not sit idle. Then they extend their hands towards masturbation. Gradually losing sexual ability, losing their masculinity. Fear of getting married, but the ultimate desired happiness and peace that comes in married life, eventually separation, uncertain life of children and the repetition of the same thing again. However, if you notice, you will see that there is not much discussion about these issues or its harmful aspects. There is as much discussion about menstruation as there is about girls, but not about masturbation. Rather it is tactfully avoided. The child does not get real and proper sex education. Socialization is disrupted, there is no religious discipline and values. An omnivorous sensual class is created in the society. Everyone around has so much freedom, but why is the level of rape increasing day by day? Why are beautiful families like dreams being broken? Why so much decline? Is there a good answer?

The consumerist market continues to control everything. Billions of dollars of porn industry has to resort to hypocritical lies and they are carried on in the name of science! If we can keep the youth immersed in darkness in this way, it is possible to do nothing. If we can keep them in this state of intoxication, they will not think about their own identity, they will not think about society-country-nation. Then it will be possible to impose whatever you want on them. Satisfaction of personal interests in the name of individual freedom can be continued in the name of modernity. And a false paradise can be created.

If this generation cannot be brought out of here, then do not tell what will happen in the future by keeping an eye on the present.