Gossip, horror and the way to escape from this sin
Gossip, horror and the way to escape from this sin, Gossip is a worse and more heinous crime than adultery and fornication
Gossip, horror and the way to escape from this sin.
After waking up and doing ancillary work, you are at the dining table. You have to listen to gossip at the beginning of the day, even if you are very reluctant.
With a lot of hatred and reluctance, Gula entered with one ear and took out with the other ear.
After that he left for varsity. He heard in the bus, "Brother you know, one of my colleagues has gone for Hajj with interest money".
This time he somehow put his finger in his ear and got off the bus.
Before entering the varsity, a friend came and said, "You know, Tama is dating Fahad. Sumi is telling me. You don't tell anyone again".
I heard the words with pain and hatred.
You have given a lot of advice to these people after receiving guidance. You have explained it many times. But no one has heard your words. No one has listened.
Now you are upset. I hate all the backbiters in my mind. You have nothing else to do but this.
This is the story of a young man and a young woman who have returned to most religions.
Now let's talk about the horrors of backbiting ..
"None of you should gossip or slander each other. Would anyone like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You will hate it."
-Surah Hujurat: 12
"Gossip is a worse and more heinous crime than adultery and fornication."
-Shuabul Iman, 5/306.
I hope you understand the consequences of backbiting easily.
Now ...
Imagine your death.
Resurrection, resurrection, judgment, crossing the bridge, you have come to the gates of paradise. But you were stopped. Now one by one all your good deeds are being given to other people. One! You are surprised. Because this man is bad about Gula behind He used to talk in the life of the world.
They went to Paradise with all your good deeds. You were thrown into the fiery fire of Hell from the gates of Paradise.
Now tell me, is there anyone more unfortunate than you from the beginning to the end of creation ?? No, no
How to survive gossip?
-Firstly, whenever a Muslim is slandered in front of you, you have to stop the slanderer and protect the honor of that Muslim brother. This is your religious duty.
-Secondly, you will advise the backbiters, explain the horrors. If you don't understand, you will have to get up from where the backbiting will take place.
Thirdly, if you do not gossip about someone by mistake or listen to someone gossip intentionally, then sincerely apologize to the person who has been gossiped about.
Because the sin of backbiting is not forgiven by God unless the person forgives.
But if it is not possible to ask for forgiveness, pray for him, ask Allah for forgiveness for him. It is hoped that you will also be forgiven on the Day of Judgment.
Let us refrain from backbiting and listening. May Allah grant us Tawfiq, accept us.
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